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ABCaTutor, LLC ™ brings professional and enthusiastic Tutors together with our students with one mission in mind; ‘to educate as many students (all ages) as-long-as it takes to connect the missing skills which will empower the students to feel confident, prepared, excited to learn, and a proficient learner.

ABCaTutor ™ is an online, live-tutoring program. You can schedule your student for professional, tutoring assistance on any subject from a group of highly qualified Tutors. Your student can join a class with other students for a specific subject and skill or you can choose a one-on-one class for personal attention. You have choices to schedule your student per his/her needs. 

By participating in our program, you are forming a bond with us for one reason: to help your child be successful at school!  Along with that, you receive: service on demand, best-practiced instruction, customer-focused platform, computer/at home, live tutoring for convenience and safety for your child, incentives for your efforts in getting more students to join, safe, pre-paid, cashless billing system, and open communication with the Administration and Tutors. These are the options:

  • A ‘one-on-one’ class: your student will be the only student in the class with one Tutor of your choice or you can pick ANY Tutor if you don’t have a preference. If you choose a specific Tutor, an email will be sent to her/him for acceptance. Once received by Administration, an email will be sent to you to pay for the class and once completed, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the class session. If you choose ANY Tutor, an email will be sent out to all Tutors and the first to accept the class will be assigned. Then, all the other procedures for a specific Tutor are followed. If this is what you would like your student to take, schedule a one-on-one through the SCHEDULE A CLASS page or directly on the CONTACT US page.
  • The second is a ‘group class’: your student will be in a classroom of no more than 10* students: all learning the same skill (ex: 3rd grade – math – multiplication facts). Again, you will have the option of choosing a specific Tutor or any Tutor and the process will begin as explained above in the one-on-one section. Please use the SCHEDULE A CLASS form to schedule this type of class.
  • With either choice, there are 30 or 60-minute classes available. We encourage 30-minute classes for the younger students to start and graduate up to a longer class.
  • You also have the option to SUBSCRIBE to a group of different classes, which saves you money! During registration, you will indicate what option of classes you would like to enroll your student in.

(You can only request a Tutor for a NEW class.  Tutors already assigned to a class will not be changed; unless due circumstances are required to do so.)

We can help students with skills that are required or needed. Students who are behind due to pandemic and are home schooled, having issues at school, or is overwhelmed by the lack of skills due to the circumstances over the last couple years. Or, maybe they just need help periodically on specific skills. Our focus will be on the school-aged children to ‘fill the gaps’ of skills that they have never reached a proficiency in and overall help for anyone with current skill deficiencies. ABCaTutor, LLC ™ will not discriminate against students or tutors, regardless of age, gender, race, or any other feature. 

Each Tutor will have a college degree and undergo a rigorous, hiring process which includes a background check for the students’ safety. The Tutors will attend on-going training and monitored to ensure the best instruction is being provided or if remedial training with the Tutor is necessary.  The Tutor will also be easy to identify by their company, uniform shirt. Please advise Administration through the Contact Us page if you are not seeing this.

The Tutor will communicate with you prior to the class if materials are required, adapt the lesson from the comments we received from you in the on-boarding process or if the student’s needs have changed and provide additional work if more practice is needed after the tutoring session. If your student is assigned to a class within 4-hours of the start time, you are required to contact the Tutor via email (which will be sent in your confirmation email), unless another option is offered, to see if there are any requirements for the class (i.e. materials) so your student is prepared to follow along and participate.

You will be notified by the Tutor after the class with feedback about the student’s progress and how he/she performed in the lesson. You will be able to communicate with the Tutor if you have additional questions regarding the lesson or to inform of current issues through the CONTACT US form on the website. Also, in this email, you will find a link to rate the Tutor and submit your answers to Administration.

The price for each class depends on the class duration (30 or 60-minutes), and if the student attends a GENERAL or ONE-ON-ONE class. Join a SUBSCRIPTION or pay as you schedule each class. After filling out the SCHEDULE A CLASS form with the class information you would like to schedule the student in, you will receive an invoice via email which is a confirmation that the student has a spot being held in the class, and a link to privately and securely pay online with CHIME Bank (you don’t need a CHIME account). If the class is not paid for within 24-hours prior to the class, your student’s space will be opened for others. More information about SUBSCRIPTIONS can be found by clicking the link at the top.

We encourage and appreciate taking the time to rate the Tutors on the website after each class, to ensure the highest quality of supplemental education for the students. The link for this survey is under the TUTORS tab and you should receive a link to it in your post-class email from the Tutor. Please let the Administration know if you are NOT receiving this link. You could always use the tab under Tutors to The comments and ratings will help us provide training to Staff members for continued growth and a higher-quality product for the students. It also helps the Tutor receive positive awards and to advance themselves in the company. The after-the-class Tutor’s report email will have a link to the form rating the Tutor, or you can find it in the TUTORS tab.

ABCaTutor ™ uses CHIME to process payments.  It is not necessary for you to have an account with CHIME, however, it is helpful. This is a secure site that allows you to pay, receive invoices and receipts, and many other actions. ABCaTutor™ is not responsible for the policies regarding CHIME’s ability to complete the request and it is agreed that if you request (for a cancellation or change from packages to as needed classes), comes in by the 15th of the prior month and CHIME still charges you, ABCaTutor ™ will issue you a refund or credit.

Please use the form CONTACT US for any further questions.

(*The amount of students in a class is subject to change at any time according to the Tutor’s abilities.)

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