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There is a code on the calendar for each class which will indicate if it is a GROUP or ONE-ON-ONE class and how many students can sign up for the class.  This will change and you will be notified by e-mail if your student is assigned to the class you’ve requested. All classes will be updated to the calendar once paid for.

Examples of codes for classes:

  • G:30 (10): This is a GROUP class, for 30 minutes and there are a total of 10 spaces to begin with.
  • 1:1/60 (1): This is a ONE-ON-ONE class for 60 minutes, with 1 spot left.
  • G:30 (-2): This is a GROUP class, for 30 minutes, 2 on a waiting list.  Yes, if it says 0 spots available, you can still request a spot and be put on a waiting list. There is no guarantee that we will be able to schedule your student. It will be the discretion of the Tutor if he/she wants to add students and ultimately up to the Administration, depending on the Tutor’s experien
  • G:60 (8): This is a GROUP class, for 60 minutes, with 8 spaces available.
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